What is Coaching? Coaching is a tool that helps you gain direction, confidence and clarity. It is done by talking and deciding on weekly "assignments" to initiate action. Through open-ended and carefully crafted questions you move towards a destination (goal) of your determination.  Your coach is a safe, supportive, and enthusiastic guide. 

Coaching is a process of discovery, based on the premise that you (the client) already know the answers.  In an atmosphere of empowerment and acceptance, you are safe and encouraged to think through and answer questions that have no wrong answers. 

Is coaching right for me? Coaching is only effective if you are willing and committed to actively dealing with your issues and concerns. You must be willing to be an open and equal partner in the process.By being honest in responding to questions, open to considering new thoughts and ideas, and committed to agreed upon assignments, you will be able to take the steps necessary to arrive at whatever destination you choose. [ A new job, understanding how to live a more comfortable life with your children, the tools to wake up in the morning feeling happy instead of despairing-- these are all destinations.]

Coaching is not therapy, and I am not a therapist. It differs in that therapy looks at your past to work through long-term issues, problems, and neuroses. If you want to tackle deep-seated problems, want to explore medical interventions and pharmacy-related solutions, or need therapy to resolve life-long issues, coaching is not appropriate. Clinical social workers, psychologists, psychotherapists, or psychiatrists would be better suited for your  needs.
Coaching focuses on the here and now. Therapy can last for years. Coaching can be as short term as four weeks.​

I have a disorder (OCD, ADD etc). Can coaching help? The pathways that take us through life can be difficult to navigate if our roadmap comes from a “neuroatypical” brain. And one out of ten people share this difficulty, arising from having OCD, ADD, misophonia or a host of other neurological disorders.

If you are willing to be curious about how  your brain works and are open to learning breathing techniques, mindfulness, and self-inquiry, then coaching is an excellent option.

Coaching for Neuro-Atypical People.

What is Quietspace Coaching?

Is coaching for me? FAQs

          ​​​Living a Joyful and Successful Life


The pathways that take us through life can be difficult to navigate if our roadmap comes from a “neuroatypical” brain. One out of ten people share this difficulty, arising from operating from a place of anxiety, or having OCD, ADD, misophonia.  Relationships and emotions are often viewed from behind a lens of heightened emotions and heightened physiological responses to the world. Quietspace Coaching is a sole practitioner coaching practice for adults (ages 21 and older). I work as my client's partner in a safe and supportive environment in which we develop the skills and motivation needed to effectively deal with current challenges. 

Quietspace Coaching is uniquely positioned to help those of us who are neuroatypical arrive at our internal wisdom, by clearing away the debris that comes from the need to control and feelings of separateness, shame and blame. We look at the stories we create and how to shift those stories to reduce suffering and to become better equipped to deal with our life.

One area of expertise I share is teaching mindfulness techniques to allow clients to remain in (or get to) the present. I also incorporate basic cognition exercises to facilitate the creation of new brain synapses (typically thought of as re-wiring the brain) so that new ways of thinking, feeling and being become actualized

Who are my clients? I work exclusively with adults. My clients must be at least twenty one years of age.  A majority of my clients, both male and female, are either neuro-atypical and live with OCD, ADD, misophonia, or generalized anxiety or are the parents/partners of a neuro-atypical person. In 2018 I expanded my practice to cancer survivors.

How are sessions conducted? Sessions are 50 minutes, typically once a week. At least four sessions are recommended. My practice is conducted via phone and skype.